What I Do

See your child reach their potential

in their English and Maths


Children can find school challenging for lots of different reasons; they become frustrated, disengaged and withdrawn.

This could be due to gaps in their learning or a lack of stimulation.

Perhaps you’re concerned about SATS, the Phonics Screening Test or the Year 4 Multiplication Test.

Regardless of the reason you’re here, I can help

I have a 100% pass rate helping children with Key Stage One and Two SATS and all the primary standardised tests.

I consistently take  Key Stage Three children to working at Greater Depth’ and help them move to higher sets at school.

My Philosophy

All children can reach their academic potential with the right support.  Early in my career I realised the biggest barrier for most children was a negative mindset

By the time a child reaches Reception class they already have preconceived ideas that limits their willingness or ability to tackle challenges.  This is known as a fixed mindset.

1:1 tutoring can make children feel vulnerable initially, as a light is shone on their weaknesses and insecurities.  I tell my tutees that this is a good thing,  I want to find the things they get wrong.  Figuring out what they don’t know is a positive thing as then I know how best to help them.  

With the right support in place, your child will start achieving.  Their self esteem grows and their hard work and effort is recognised by others as well as their self.

They become more resilient, motivated and independent learners.

Helping children develop a ‘can do’ attitude is known as having  a ‘growth mindset’ .  It is an important part of the tutor/tutee relationship, and an important skill for lifelong learning.

My Methods


I offer a bespoke tutoring service where your child is at the centre of the learning.   

After assessing their level and preferred learning style, the learning is tailored specifically to their needs.

Children learn best when it is fun so I use lots of interactive resources and games to keep lessons engaging.

I focus on closing the learning gaps, building good foundations so that accelerated learning can happen as this is when children thrive and reach their potential.

My Goal

is to see my tutees,

happy, succeeding


reaching their potential.

“Play is our brain’s favourite way of learning”

Dianne Ackerman

Bespoke 1:1 tuition

Is your child is finding school lessons tricky?  Has their confidence been affected? Has your child got their SATs coming up, or perhaps the Year One Phonics Screening test or Year Four multiplication tests? 

I can help. I provide bespoke one to one tutoring for children in the EYFS, KS1, KS2 and KS3.  Places are highly sought after and availability is limited.  When no spaces are available I operate a waiting list.


Parent Support

Are phonics baffling? What is an array? Do modern school teaching methods leave you confused and at a loss as to how to help your child?

This is a bespoke service for parents who want to feel confident helping their child. Together we can decide the level and duration of  support.  It could be a one-off session, a set number of sessions or it could involve a child assessment with feedback. Together we can decide the best course of action.

Shop Eimear's Resources (now live)

I have created a bank of resources for my tutees over the years at Eimear's Online Classroom. 

There are maths and English resources that support children with learning the trickier maths concepts and key english grammar skills.


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